Because today I had my last lesson of GABA, I wrote a letter in English for my best teacher. It took more than 2 hours to write that, and yesterday I drank 4 cups of coffee at Starbucks...
I don't feel scared any more for English, this is the most important thing what I got at GABA. Maybe this English sentence have much mistakes in grammer or expression, but I don't care that... I can say "Done is better than perfect" even for my English study.
2 years ago, I have made a talk script (five sheets of A4 paper...) for my presentation in English. Then I have only read that, I didn't "speak" anything. But now I'm having weekly conference call on my job in English, and it is very meaningful time for English learning. :D , as you know I'm working hard every day...
I think all things what happen to me have all important meanings. Not only to use English in my work, but also other all thing in our life, I believe it will be necessary for growth.
Thanks for all my teachers.
Mantol, just "light gamer"
Diary related English on Mantol-pot!!
Written by a web engineer with poor English...
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